Tag Archives: picasso

#70, or I Got to go to MoMA, or That Girl Has a Funny Hat

Normally I keep the pictures on my blog a little smaller but I need to keep this one big so you can see the hat. I was pretending to take pictures of the sculpture and I THINK that girl may have caught on but whatever.

<— Exhibit A – that girl’s funny hat. Okay, I know these weird Eskimo hats are totally in or whatever but it was at LEAST 60 degrees out when I took this picture and today it got up to 80. EIGHTY DEGREES with your funny hat. Does no one check the weather? I feel like the day I plan to wear a silly Eskimo hat in the middle of not-Alaska, I would probably make sure it was… I don’t know… going to snow?

Oh silly hat girl, the struggles you face for fashion…

Anyway, today I got to go to the Museum of Modern Art which was wonderful. The special exhibit floor right now is full of Willem de Kooning’s work from his early years to his late works and I was so excited. I actually gasped when we stepped off the elevator I was so excited.

I got to see a whole floor of his work along with other pieces by some favorites like Picasso and van Gogh (classics here people). I love art and getting posters of my favorite artwork is definitely fun but to stand 3 inches away from a piece that de Kooning painted, to see the paint raised on the canvas, to be able to reach out and touch it (if I wanted to get taken out by security) is absolutely amazing. I stood right next to a Picasso sculpture. Picasso himself touched and created that and I am right near it. Other people get excited by being near famous people. I get excited about being near things my favorite artists have touched.

We also visited their amazing exhibit on communication and design which was absolutely brilliant. The ways that people are changing the world we communicate in are insane. Go to http://www.eyewriter.org – I was blown away. It was mind-blowing. There was so much to see and view and so much to be in awe of. I loved every second of it. Even if my feet hurt (thanks flippy floppies!). Love love love. Happy happy happy.

“A happy thought is like a seed that sows positivity for all to reap.” Miriam Muhammad

I am sowing my seed of happiness today (bow chicka wow wow) for all of you. Enjoy.